In Reminders of Him (as with all books by Colleen Hoover) love is central to the story. As a #1 New York Times Best-selling author, it’s obvious to see why her work is so popular.
She is incredibly skilled at weaving strands of doubt, passion, and hurt all together in a way that feels so authentic.
It’s one of the reasons another of her novels, Maybe Someday, is on my list of Best Romantic Books!
Reminders of Him feels just as real, and in this case, heartbreakingly so.

It’s this quality that makes the novel such a good pick for a book club choice (with the same going for her other novels, It End with Us and It Starts with Us as well)! When it comes to love and forgiveness, people are bound to have very differing opinions.
When, if ever, do you forgive the unforgivable?
So settle in for some deep conversation and enjoy unpacking this novel with your reading group through these Reminders of Him book club questions.

Reminders of Him Book Club Questions
- When we meet Kenna she is just moving into town. We learn right off the bat she had a baby in prison. What were your first impressions of her? Did you feel any empathy in the beginning?
- Ledger is captivated immediately by Kenna. Do you think that some people with shared histories are just drawn together? Or was he just seeing a pretty girl?
- Ledger is a big part of Diem’s life and has been from the beginning. What were your thoughts early on how Scotty’s family was choosing to raise Diem away from her mother? Did you understand it, or would you have done things differently?
- Colleen Hoover goes a lot into how hard a time Kenna has getting a fresh start in life after prison because of the biases against parolees. Did the book bring up any thoughts on how that system works today?

- Which character did you feel the most empathy for? Why?
- Ledger and Kenna keep the beginnings of their attraction to each other a secret from most other people. Do you feel this was the only way to handle things? The best way?
- How believable did the plot feel to you? What about the happy ending?
Looking for more from Colleen Hoover?
It Ends Us With Book Club Questions
What is Layla by Colleen Hoover all about?
- If you could ask the characters or author any question, what would it be?
- How did you feel overall reading this book? Did it bother you, encourage you, frustrate you? Did you feel the same at the end as you did in the first few chapters?
- How long did it take you get through the book? Was it one you couldn’t put down or you had to keep coming back to?

- Have you read other books by Colleen Hoover? Is there anything similar in themes or writing style in this book compared to her others? Did you like this one more or less?
- If you haven’t read other books by Colleen Hoover, did Reminders of Him make you want to?

Don’t have a book club yet? Why not start your own! Check out my article on How to Form a Book Club for tips on creating the ideal book club for your lifestyle.

Did you read Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover for your book club? What did you think? Leave me a comment below about how the questions and book worked for you!